IP ports used by Activity Monitor and Agent
Posted by Yuri M, Last modified by Yuri M on 09 September 2010 03:45 PM
Q: What network protocols does Activity Monitor use?
A: Activity Monitor uses encrypted SSL communications channel via TCP IP.
- Activity Monitor uses IP
ports 15163(TCP), 15165(UDP)
- Agent program uses port 15163(TCP) and 15164(UDP). They should be free
for the software to work properly.
- If you have a firewall installed, you need to enable communications through
these ports for Activity Monitor: process name for firewall rule is C:\Program
Files\SoftActivity\Activity Monitor\swatcher.exe
Agent process name for firewall rule: C:\Program
Files\SoftActivity\Amsys\amsvc.exe Required rule in Windows firewall for Agent and Activity Monitor is created automatically during installation.
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